Interested in coaching with Adam? This page explains his approach and what to expect...
Why coach?
Coaching is an important strand to my overall portfolio of activity. My ‘onramp’ to coaching was initially as a coachee. I was in a managerial role in a public sector agency and began working with a coach – so first experienced the value of it from that perspective. From there I studied coaching to improve my management skills. Over time, I grew more passionate about coaching and leadership development and this is now my major focus. Coaching has changed the trajectory of my life, professionally and personally, and I do it now as I am committed to helping others unlock their own positive change.
What’s my coaching style?
I aim for a style that is:
Holistic – I believe that we thrive when we can broaden our mindset and consciousness to tap into a broader range of influences, modalities and stories.
Goal oriented – I will ask you what changes you are committed to making.
Practical – I emphasise practice over theory.
Experiential - I prioritise experiential work in my coaching. This means we will often work with what is developing in the moment, and how this is being experienced. A lot of my coaching has an embodied focus, meaning we work with the felt experience.
My specialist areas are:
Developing embodied competencies that can ‘re-shape’ your self-understanding and how you relate. This includes presence, creativity and spontaneity, setting limits, mutual connection, creating impact, compassion, and navigating the unknown. I have a specialist coaching program that focuses on embodiment – The Power of Being You.
Transitioning to new roles/phases
Wellbeing for leaders, both personally and for your team.
The actual coaching process – what’s involved?
Informal meet-up. This is a no-obligation chat where we talk about you and what you want. It’s also a chance for you to hear about me and my style. From there, we can both assess fit. I will recommend one of my colleagues if I think there’s a better fit.
Agree on the package and the broad terms. Once agreed, you can book sessions online at a time that works for you.
Onboarding interview – 1.5 hrs. Here’s where I ask a range of questions to discover more about you, your context, what you are aiming for and why. This helps me tailor the approach to suit you. It’s also where we agree how we will work together, including establishing goals, how we will assess progress and how we will manage the involvement of any other people if necessary (e.g. your manager).
Coaching sessions. I suggest a series of 6-10 coaching sessions, of either 60 or 90 mins duration. Session frequency is up to you though I suggest we meet every 3-5 weeks as this helps to get momentum and create a bit of a rhythm.
The structure depends on what you are focusing on, but generally we will:
Start with a centering exercise - the aim being to be centered, connected and on purpose.
Explore what you’ve noticed as you’ve done your actions agreed at the last session.
Agree together what is most 'real' for you in the moment, and agree an appropriate focus for the session. We will then explore that, taking time to slow down, assess your direct experience, your hunches and intuition. We may do some practical exercises depending on the situation.
Agree on take-aways and any actions.
Review the session and the overall coaching arrangement (not every time, but often enough to ensure we are on track).
Where will we meet?
Sessions are held either via Zoom, or at an agreed venue near your work. I prefer not to run coaching sessions at your workplace. If we agree on Zoom as the preference, then at least two sessions should be face to face.
What coaching or assessment tools are used?
In coaching I draw on a range of models and tools, including:
Stages of adult development
The Leadership Circle (Certified)
The SCARF model
Team Management Profile (Certified)
Emotional Intelligence (Certified)
Systemic Coaching Methodologies (Certified)
Models and practices from sociometry and psychodrama
Embodiment for leaders (trained with the Strozzi institute)
Mindfulness and Wellbeing practices
Nature-based wisdom
Principles of viral change
Resilience at work (Certified)
How do I get the most from coaching?
While coaching is an effective way of accelerating your development, it also represents an investment of time and money. Here are 9 ways to get the most out of coaching:
Give yourself permission to be in the unknown
Drive your own learning, always seeking what will best serve you, and ditching what doesn’t
Be open and curious about what comes up in the sessions
Keep observing your own responses/reactions in the sessions, and share these observations with me, even if they don’t make sense at the time
Keep your manager informed of your journey and let them know how they can support you
Prepare for each session - taking care of any possible distractions, getting set-up in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed, and getting clear about your intentions
Reflect your learning – it can be helpful to keep a written log of your sessions
Develop the habit of being direct and candid
Celebrate your breakthroughs
As coach, I observe the International Coach Federation’s Coaching Code of Ethics regarding professional conduct, conflicts of interest, professional conduct, confidentiality, privacy and continuing development. For more details on this click here.
Are you ready for coaching?
Here are some questions to consider before entering into a coaching arrangement. Click here to read our term and conditions.
Interested to talk more?
Click here to book a 30 min online conversation with me.